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Orus Energy: bridging the gap between consumers & grid

We transform the way buildings interact with the power grid, using the flexibility of their electricity consumption to support this transition :

→ to the benefit of the power grid, because we use buildings as thermal batteries

→ to the benefit of building managers who embrace new, profitable energy opportunities

Our ambition : to be the platform to make it easy for consumers to take advantage of the new opportunities related to the power grid, aligning consumer needs and power grid needs.

Orus Energy, in a nutshell

<aside> 🎯 Orus Energy is a demand-side flexibility platform that enables commercial building operators to automatically shift flexible loads off carbon peak times, thereby supporting the balance and resilience of the grid.


Our platform enables intelligent and dynamic control of the electricity consumption of a range of flexible energy-consuming assets: heat pumps, thermostats, EV charging stations, etc. All while taking into account a multitude of data: tenant comfort, weather data, building occupancy rates, etc.

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In this way, we enable our customers to consume their energy more intelligently, and to be remunerated for doing so by contributing to the balance and resilience of the power grid, while reducing their dependence on fossil fuels during peak times.